Top 10 Reasons to Redesign Your Current Website


Your business is only as successful as your customers make it. Rule number one for companies that are already successful and want to continue growing all the way to top is that you need to capture your target market’s interest. How do you do this? Well, today with the help of Internet marketing, social media marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), companies can gain and retain the interest of the target audience easily.

This is the reason a website has become an indispensable weapon for businesses that have an online presence. However, a website that isn’t user-friendly, visually appealing and organized can drive away visitors faster than a blink of an eye. So, isn’t it time you took a second look at your current website? If you’re looking for reasons to rework your website to increase conversion, here are some.

Reasons to Redesign a Current Website

1. Outdated website – Times are changing and companies have to move with the times or get left behind. Having an outdated website is like hanging up a huge sign outside your company saying “we don’t really care about our company and you shouldn’t either.”

2. Obsolete website technology – Technology keeps advancing at an immensely fast rate and a company often finds it difficult to keep up with this pace. If website technology is obsolete, it becomes vulnerable to security breaches and hackers.

3. The results you desire seems so far away – If you aren’t getting the results you want, like an increase in traffic to your website or building up of your customer base then the time is perfect to redesign your existing website.

4. Your competition has changed their website – In such a case, it may be a good idea for you to make a few changes as well, especially if their modifications are resulting in increased traffic to their website and capturing your prospective customers.

5. Your website isn’t mobile-friendly – Today, consumers are constantly on the move and research the products and/or services they are interested in using their cell phones. If your company website isn’t mobile-friendly and takes a long time to open, your customers will lose interest and move on to your competition’s site.

6. Your website hasn’t been search engine optimized – This is basically when the appropriate keywords haven’t been used in page headers, Meta data and page titles. To avoid this, your website will need a massive overhaul.

7. Change in marketing strategy – For a business to survive and grow in this competitive market, frequent modifications in the marketing strategy are required. You need to ensure your website reflects these changes in your marketing strategy or else all will be lost.

8. Incorporation of a better content strategy – Are your customers able to easily access content on your website? If the answer is ‘no’, you should be prepared to make major changes to your content strategy. In doing this, a web redesign will be crucial.

9. Your current web structure isn’t scalable – This stops you from being able to add more pages as your company’s products and/or services grow and you will be unable to add more content, in an attempt to generate more sales.

10. Outdated 3rd party tools – If your site uses third-party tools like shopping cart widgets, which are meant to improve the functionality of the site, you need to ensure these third-party tools are working effectively. Otherwise, a website redesign is in order along with a change of tools.

These top reasons should convince you why there is a need to redesign your current website. A well-designed website with informative and valuable content and appealing graphics will increase, footfalls by pushing you to the top of search engine results pages.

Find a website designing company that understands your needs and accordingly offer end-to-end solutions to make your website stand out from the competition.

by Veini Seran